• застройщик


    Рекомендательное письмо


    Выражаем благодарность компании Virtualland за проделанную работу.

    Мы заказывали у Virtualland реализацию визуальных решений для продвижения флагманского проекта Южная Резиденция Роялта, и остались довольны качеством исполнения продукта. Все блоки, которые мы заказывали, были выполнены хорошо и точно соответствуют нашим требованиям.

    Сотрудники VL подготовили для нас большой проект, состоящий из многих модулей платформы Smart Virtual Land 360, таких как Генплан с рендерами двора, Виды из окон, Окружение. Модуль "Выборщик квартир" с интеграцией с СРМ системой был разработан специально для резиденции. Очень кропотливая работа была проведена в модуле Окружение. Все точки были проработаны в деталях, поэтому тур получился очень живым. В дальнейшем мы планируем реализовать модуль Интерьеры, который будет состоять из нескольких вариантов и стилистик, разработанных по нашему дизайн-проекту. Все это позволит покупателю лучше понять, каким образом можно использовать жилое пространство резиденции и сделать правильный выбор.

    На начальном этапе были некоторые сложности в коммуникации между сотрудниками обеих сторон, как это бывает в рабочих процессах, но мы быстро разобрались в них и смогли командно сработать и получить хороший результат.

    Сервис VL и коммуникация с Вашими сотрудниками прошли на достойном уровне, и мы довольны Вашим профессионализмом и ответственностью.

    Наше главное пожелание - продолжайте развивать этот интересный проект и внедрять инновации, помогающие в продажах. Надеемся на дальнейшее сотрудничество. Более детальный отзыв мы сможем дать, когда выйдем на рынок и начнем продажи, опробуем Ваш продукт в действии.

  • застройщик

    Новая Ливадия

    Рекомендательное письмо

    15.05.2023 г.

    От лица компании “Новая Ливадия” хотим выразить свою благодарность Virtualland (ООО “Технософт”) за проделанную работу по реализации тура для показа интерьерной визуализации пяти квартир в ЖК “Новая Ливадия”.

    Мы остались очень довольны качеством предоставляемых услуг и результатом продукта. Он полностью оправдал наши ожидания и помог решить задачи, которые стояли перед нами. Команда VL создала для нас один из модулей Smart Virtual Land 360 - виртуальные 3D-модели будущих квартир, варианты интерьеров в стиле “Современная классика” и “Хай-тек”. С помощью этого продукта наши клиенты смогут прогуляться по будущей квартире уже сейчас. Продукт активно используется на нашем сайте и в офисах продаж через ПК.

    Для нас очень важна экспертность команды подрядчика, которую и демонстрирует Virtualland. Мы хотим отметить профессиональный подход сотрудников VL в коммуникации и в процессе работы. Они всегда готовы помочь и предложить оптимальные варианты, что является необходимым качеством у подрядчика.

    Хотелось бы выразить наше пожелание - структурировать портфолио на сайте, так как у Вас много интересных проектов, которые не всегда легко найти самостоятельно.

    Спасибо за проделанную работу, ожидаем плодотворное сотрудничество и в дальнейшем.

  • застройщик


    Рекомендательное письмо


    Настоящим письмом компания ООО “МЕДИАЛАЙФ” сообщает, что сотрудничество с Virtualland (ООО “Технософт”) оказалось эффективным и оправдало наши ожидания. Отдельно хотим отметить лояльность и отзывчивость сотрудников VL, неравнодушных к решению поставленных задач и быструю реакцию на комментарии и правки.

    В 2022 году Virtual Land помогли выбрать и сформировать универсальный набор модулей SVL 360, который будет актуален для разных проектов. Он включает в себя Генплан (вид днем, вид вечером), Окружение, Поэтажные планы, Виды из окон и Прогулки по двору. Сначала реализовали SVL 360 для ЖК “Фонтаны” и ЖК “Дыхание”. В настоящее время в производстве решение для ЖК “Лучший”.

    SVL 360 транслируется на больших экранах как в центральном офисе нашей Компании, так и в офисах продаж жилых комплексов. Инструмент позволяет нам бесшовно презентовать Жилой комплекс, а именно - показать

    1. общий вид готового жилого комплекса в контексте окружающей инфраструктуры днем и вечером со стометровой высоты (модуль Генплан);
    2. объекты социального значения вокруг ЖК и время в пути до них (модуль Окружение);
    3. планировочные решения на поэтажных планах и стороны выхода окон (модуль Поэтажные планы);
    4. виды из окон с разных этажей в разных корпусах (модуль Виды из окон);
    5. экстерьер и собственную инфраструктуру ЖК (модуль Двор).

    Наша компания намерена продолжать сотрудничество и рекомендует компанию Virtualland как надежного партнера и исполнителя с глубокой экспертизой в цифровых продуктах и решениях по визуалу жилых комплексов.

  • застройщик



    Рекомендательное письмо

    В поисках надежного партнера, который смог бы воплотить наши идеи по визуальному представлению проектов ЖК “Облака” и ГК “Нескучный сад”, мы познакомились с компанией Virtualland (ООО “Технософт”).

    Нам показали продукт 2021 года - “Smart Virtual Land 360”. С первой презентации Smart Virtual Land 360 стало ясно, что команда Virtualland ценят не только качество продукта, но и уровень предоставляемого сервиса.

    Virtual land провел полноценное часовое обучение продукту, где присутствовали все менеджеры продаж ЖК. По итогу обучения был получен позитивный отклик от сотрудников отдела продаж. SVL - инструмент, который помогает продавать.

    Было предложено интегрировать ссылку тура на наш сайт по проектам ЖК “Облака” и ГК “Нескучный сад”. Теперь у каждого потенциального покупателя есть возможность ознакомиться с его будущим домом, окружением, планировкой и даже увидеть перед собой вид из окна выбранной квартиры. Также есть и внутренний плюс данного нововведения - менеджерам стало легче представлять клиентам их будущие квартиры, что увеличило конверсию продаж.

    Мы решили не останавливаться на достигнутом результате и продолжать сотрудничество с компанией Virtualland. Также рекомендуем команду Virtualland, как надежного и стабильного делового партнера в сфере визуального контента для застройщиков.

  • застройщик

    Capital Group


    Рекомендательное письмо

    В декабре 2021 года начато сотрудничество с ООО "Технософт" в части создания визуальных решений для двух объектов ЖК "Бадаевский" и индустриальный парк "Алабушево".

    В целях повышения имиджа бренда компании и продвижения жилого комплекса "Бадаевский" с одновременным получением визуального контента, был реализован проект годовой видеосъемки строительства с многих ракурсов для фиксирования хода строительства - таймлапс. Уникальность в том, что Virtual Land, используя свои технологии, фиксирует фотографии на протяжении каждого дня, что дает возможность отбирать кадры в особые атмосферные моменты.

    По итогу года было принято решение о продлении проекта еще на год с дополнительной камерой. Команда Virtual Land подтвердила заботу о клиенте, оперативно решая технические сложности в реализации данного проекта.

    Для индустриального парка "Алабушево" стояла задача изготовить сферические панорамы с высоты 75 метров. Проект реализован в срок, качество исполнения на высоком уровне.

    Сотрудничество с ООО "Технософт" оказалось эффективным. Компания оказывает высокий уровень сервиса, а результат работы подтверждает глубокую экспертизу сотрудников в своей области.

    Надеемся на дальнейшее сотрудничество и готовы рекомендовать ООО "Технософт" как надежного партнера в области создания визуала по проектам девелоперов и застройщиков.

  • застройщик



    Рекомендательное письмо

    Для каждого жилого проекта компании INSIGMA мы находим лучшие инструменты продвижения, которые полноценно раскрывают особенности и преимущества жизни в наших домах. «Тессинский, 1» с его уникальным расположением, качеством материалов и решений позволяет создавать многообразие контента и использовать разные средства для эффективного формирования образа клубного дома.

    Одна из задач предполагала создание дополнительного знания о проекте и районе, в котором он располагается. Помимо этого необходимо было показать базовое интерьерное решение квартир с продуманными и проработанными планировочными решениями., Сравнив предложения на рынке производства визуальных решений, мы сделали выбор в пользу компании Virtual Land и продукта Smart Virtual Land 360. Здесь мы смогли объединить разные виды визуального контента в одном интерфейсе.

    Virtual Land доработали платформу Smart Virtual Land 360 с учетом нашего технического задания. В результате — в одном окне все преимущества проекта для потенциального клиента: генплан, окружение и инфраструктура, планировочные решения с реализацией видов из окон, базовое интерьерное решение квартиры , галерея из рендеров ЖК, контакты отдела продаж, видео о проекте.

    Технические специалисты Virtual Land помогали адаптировать каждый из модулей под нашу специфику. Работы были выполнены в срок. Отдельная благодарность Александру Касаткину за нестандартный подход к решению проблем.

  • застройщик



    Рекомендательное письмо

    Данным письмом, компания Coldy выражает признательность компании VirtualLand за внимание к нашим замечаниям, профессиональный подход и демонстрацию своих сильных сторон.

    VirtualLand проявила себя как команда высококвалифицированных специалистов в своей области. Менеджер продаж Алексей Помогаев сумел быстро и детально согласовать модули платформы SVL360, таких как: генплан, виды из окон и окружение. Тем временем при реализации проекта технический специалист Корсаков Александр оперативно смог решить задачи по правкам и довести проект до завершения, чем закрепил наши ожидания от сотрудничества с VirtualLand.

    С удовольствием рекомендуем партнерам и иным заинтересованным лицам сотрудничество с VirtualLand.

  • застройщик

    Синара Девелопмент


    Рекомендательное письмо

    О компании ООО “Технософт” (Virtual Land) мы узнали, когда искали подрядчика, который смог бы нам сделать визуальный контент ЖК Ботаника Green House.

    С первой нашей встречи сотрудники компании показали серьезный и профессиональный подход к решению необходимых задач. Менеджером продаж была предложена платформа Smart Virtual Land 360.Основным запросом был информативный и понятный тур видов из окон, так как геометрия ЖК сложная и важно было показать потенциальному покупателю какой вид будет с разных точек и ракурсов.

    У потенциальных покупателей легко складывается представление расположение инфраструктуры вокруг дома. С помощью решений VirtualLand они могут посмотреть куда будут выходить окна из квартир на разных этажах. Без этого менеджерам довольно сложно объяснить клиентам преимущества расположения комплекса.

    3D панорамы помогают в работе управления маркетинга в части работы с ценообразованием стоимости квартир и учета видовых характеристик квартир.

    Наша компания удовлетворена качеством, оперативностью и профессионализмом компании ООО “Технософт” и готова рекомендовать ее как надежного партнера.

  • застройщик


    13 мая 2022 г.

    Рекомендательное письмо

    Мы обратились в компанию VirtualLand (ООО «Технософт») в августе 2021 года с целью разработки VR и AR туров для позиционирования комплекса резиденций deluxe класса MANTERA Seaview residence. Сотрудники VirtualLand презентовали нам различные варианты решений нашей задачи. В итоге с учетом имеющихся технических проектов, ЗГ)-моделей и рендеров было принято решение разместить визуальный контент на платформе Smart Virtual Land 360.

    Данным решением мы всецело довольны, благодаря использованию платформы демонстрируются преимущества локации, реализованы виды из окон каждой резиденции. Это на 10094 удобный, современный и высокотехнологичный инструмент презентации проекта клиентам.

    За время нашего сотрудничества отмечаем высокий профессионализм специалистов, а также индивидуальный подход ко всем вопросам. На всех этапах выполнения работ отличный уровень сервиса, постсервисное сопровождение, оперативность реагирования на запросы, соблюдение сроков работ по договору и огромная лояльность.

    Безусловно, планируем продолжать совместную работу по другим проектам. Рекомендуем команду VirtualLand, как ответственного качественного исполнителя и добросовестного партнера.

  • застройщик


    6 апреля 2022 г.

    Рекомендательное письмо

    Данным письмом хотим выразить свою благодарность команде VirtualLand (ООО "Технософт") за долгосрочное и плодотворное сотрудничество, которое продолжается уже более трех лет.

    Команда VirtualLand проводит ежемесячную съемку хода строительства по двум нашим объектам; на базе сферических панорам создает виртуальные туры наших жилых комплексов; несколько раз проводили художественную фотосъемку, фото из которых мы использовали для создания буклетов.

    Команда VirtualLand не подводит по срокам; съемки проводит самостоятельно и без лишних напоминаний.

    Материал всегда предоставляется качественный, используем его и для сайта, и для создания буклетов и в офисе продаж. Недавно перевели часть визуального контента (3d туры и фото жилых комплексов) на платформу SVL360, что позволило их аккумулировать в одном месте. Это очень удобно для наших менеджеров продаж.

    Благодарим команда VirtualLand за столь качественную работу и приятные ощущения от сотрудничества. Желаем для VirtualLand дальнейшего развития, роста, процветания. Надеемся на появление у компании новых проектов, которые буду способствовать нам достижению поставленных целей.

  • застройщик


    30 марта 2022 г.

    Рекомендательное письмо

    Свое сотрудничество с VirtualLand (ООО «Технософт») по вопросам производства
    визуального контента для нашего сайта (потенциальных клиентов) мы начали в 2020 году. На данный момент с VirtualLand уже завершили два крупных проекта по
    разработке виртуальных туров по комплексам «Новоданиловская 8» и «Спутник».

    Данные туры обеспечили нам не только разнообразные виды 360 на наши комплексы как с разных высот, так и виды из каждого двора, а также полную визуализацию ещё не отстроенных корпусов для наших жилых комплексов.

    В этом году мы совместно с VirtualLand завершили ещё несколько проектов по
    созданию виртуальных туров по нашим шоурумам жилых комплексов.

    Результатами совместного сотрудничества мы очень довольны, так как у нас теперь
    есть уникальный и конкурентноспособный продукт, выполненный к тому же в нашем фирменном стиле.

    Внимательность, обходительность и, конечно же, индивидуальный подход к решению наших задач со стороны команды VirtualLand сделало нашу совместную работу очень комфортной.

    Нашим сотрудничеством очень довольны, планируем и впредь за созданием
    визуального контента обращаться в VirtualLand. Можем рекомендовать их как
    надежного и профессионального подрядчика.

  • застройщик


    11 ноября 2021 г.

    Рекомендательное письмо

    ГК "Галс Девелопмент" не первый год сотрудничает с компанией Virtual Land по аэрофотосъемке и созданию виртуальных туров для проектов "Матч Поинт", "Театральный Дом", "Иска Парк", "Достояние", "Сады Пекина", "IQ-квартал".

    За это время компания Virtual Land показала свой профессиональный опыт, подтвердила понимание и знание потребностей клиента. Благодаря ежедневному взаимодействию со специалистами компании, поставленные задачи и доработки выполнялись качественно и в поставленный срок.

    Надеемся на дальнейшее взаимодействие и рекомендуем ООО "Технософт" в качестве высокопрофессионального партнера.

  • застройщик


    04 of June 2021

    Letter of recommendation

    SMU-6 Investments cooperates with Virtual Land (Technosoft LLC from 2020) in organizing and making photography and video filming of construction progress of the residential complex “Love and Pigeons” and also we have engaged Virtual Land for artistic shooting of the residential complex “Danilov House”.

    The Virtual Land team have established themselves as high-level specialists. Work is always completed and delivered on time. Our wishes are always taken into account. Аt the output we get the material we need (photography and video). We are pretty satisfied with such cooperation.

    We express our gratitude to the Virtual Land team for their excellent work.

    We are ready to recommend Virtual Land as a reliable and competent partner.

    Thank you letter

  • застройщик


    Thank you letter

    “RG-Development” expresses gratitude to the management and creative team of Virtual Land (Technosoft LLC) for the high level of photo and video filming of our facilities. The professionalism of the Virtual Land team, an individual approach to the client, always respectful and intelligent attitude, a positive attitude, the ability to solve the most difficult tasks in a short time have become the key to our successful cooperation.

    RG-Development wishes the creative team of Virtual Land inexhaustible creative inspiration, new interesting projects and hopes for the continuation of our productive cooperation.

  • застройщик



    During our cooperation, Virtual Land (Technosoft LLC) has successfully implemented projects for us to create air panoramic tours, as well as 3D tours of showrooms in the AQUATORIA residential complex. At the moment, Virtual Land is doing a time-lapse video of the construction process of one of our facilities for us.

    High professionalism of the company's employees, foresight, politeness and a creative approach to solving problems make a great contribution to the joint work, which allows us to recommend Virtual Land as a reliable and responsible partner.

  • застройщик


    ASTERUS (VHD Management LLC) expresses its gratitude to Virtual Land (Technosoft LLC).

    The company won the tender and on a monthly basis implements a large range of works on the presentation and promotion of real estate objects, provides all materials in due quality and on time, which shows their attentive attitude to the tasks assigned.

    Professional photography, video filming with subsequent editing, aerial photography for a composite air tour with programming and embedding of a 3D model of future buildings is carried out monthly.

    We recommend Virtual Land as a reliable and responsible company. We especially note that we are glad to cooperate and look forward to its continuation!

  • застройщик


    Letter of recommendation

    Rg-Development LLC has been cooperating with Virtual Land (Technosoft LLC) since 2017. Over the years, a number of projects have been implemented to present our facilities.

    On a regular basis, monthly professional photography of the construction progress is carried out, every two months video filming with subsequent editing, quarterly aerial photography for a composite air tour with neighborhood infrastructure marking, embedding of 3D models of future projects and floor plans of apartments.

    This allows us to clearly and easily convey information to our potential customers and helps the work of managers in sales offices.

    Throughout the entire work, the employees of Technosoft LLC have established themselves as professional and reliable partners.

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    To all interested parties

    Reference letter.

    We turned to Virtual Land to solve the problem of creating high-quality content for the presentation of objects on the site and in sales offices.

    Virtual Land created aerial tours with adaptation to virtual reality, with the application of layouts and retouching for our objects. Retouching allows you to show the object in the best possible way, and the layouts applied on the roofs of the houses make the apartment choice comfortable.

    We show our best objects that are part of the “Doma Nastoyashey Moskvi” line, such as “Dostoyanie” quarter, “Match Point”, “Iskra-Park”, using interactive air tours. This allows to clearly and easily convey information to our customers, and also helps the work of managers.

    We confidently recommend Virtual Land for cooperation.

  • застройщик


    Reference letter

    Barkli Corporation thanks VirtualLand (Technosoft LLC) for the quality of the work carried out within the agreed deadlines for the Barkli Gallery deluxe class project in September 2019. During the task, a photo and video shooting of the Barkli Gallery Club House and its immediate surroundings was carried out.

    Despite the fact that the shooting of the building was complicated by its location in the very center of Zamoskvorechye, the VirtualLand team was able to carry out the task professionally, efficiently and on time.

    We recommend the company as a reliable and executive contractor for aerial video recording of real estate.

    CEO of Mosinveststroy Company

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    In 2019, we selected VirtualLand as a contractor to carry out work on creating a composite air tour for our two projects. The shooting was carried out from five different heights, at different times of the day.

    We are satisfied with the cooperation with this contractor. All necessary tasks have been solved. The team acted and performed work extremely quickly! I would also like to note the high level of customer service and involvement in the implementation of tasks.

  • застройщик

    Бест- Новострой


    BEST-Novostroy has been on the market for more than 20 years. We cooperate with leading developers. It is very important for us to be confident in the quality of work and the reliability of performers in order to meet the high expectations of customers. Our company approaches the process of selecting partners very carefully.

    We recommend customers who need to create 3D panoramas with navigation and aerial or video shooting contact Virtual Land (TechnoSoft LLC, TIN 4025008464).

    Aerial panoramas were successfully created for such residential complexes as “Nikulinskaya”, “Sreda”, “MIR Mitino”, “Festival Park”, “Vavilov Dom”, “Grinada”, “Domashny”, Headliner, “Shirokaya”.

    The best example of the work performed is the aerial panorama of the “Festival Park” residential complex. Photographing was carried out at heights of 60 and 150 meters in a place with lots of buildings on the territory of Moscow. At a height of 60 meters, a survey of the construction site was completed. Also at this level you can see typical layouts. At a height of 150 meters, photographing was taken of the surrounding area, residential buildings, and the existing infrastructure. The company also provided a virtual 3D model of a house under construction.

    We express our gratitude to the "Virtual Land" company for the quality of work and look forward to further cooperation!

    Respectfully, (Grigoryeva V.V.)

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    To Virtual Land LLC development director Nikita Gruzd

    Thank you letter

    Our company expresses its gratitude to Technosoft Virtual Land LLC for the work on creating multimedia content.

    GLAVSTROY Group of Companies occupies a leading position among developers, in connection with which it is important for us to use the best technologies in the presentation of our facilities.

    We were faced with the task of shooting timelaps 24 with programming for the Beregovoi residential complex.

    Virtual Land specialists performed the work at a high-level “full construction” level, established themselves as a reliable and responsible professional partner in their field.

    I would also like to thank Arthur Cherny for his patience and professionalism in resolving incoming issues.

    We plan further cooperation and recommend our partners to contact Virtual Land.

  • застройщик


    Reference letter

    “Ingrad” Group of Companies expresses its gratitude to Virtual Land for the high professionalism and promptness of the quality of work carried out under the agreement concluded with us. Since 2017, more than 20 successful projects have been completed to create interactive panoramas of our company's residential areas.

    We greatly appreciate the collaboration with Virtual Land and recommend it as a reliable contractor.

    We wish you success and prosperity!

    Advertising Director, Ingrad Real Estate LLC A. Kobyakov

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    Reference letter

    "KORTROS" Group of Companies is a leading development company in Russia.

    Our regular partner since 2016, the company "Virtual Land" (000 TechnoSoft, TIN 4025008464) helps us at a high level to show customers and investors the completed projects. Such as “Dom 128”, “Headliner”, “Dom Serebryany Bor”, “Lublinsky”.

    Virtual Land has already completed more than 10 panoramic tours of our facilities. You can view them not only on a computer, but also in virtual reality glasses. The picture quality is very high.

    All technical and organizational issues (shooting from a height was carried out on the territory of Moscow) were successfully resolved. And the Virtual Land team has shown that it can work for the result!

    We recommend customers contact Virtual Land.

    CCO F. Tretyakov

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    Best Travel IT Solutions

    Winner of the Best Travel IT Solutions 2017 Autumn Prize

    is awarded the Virtual Land

    in the Best Travel IT Startup nomination

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    Студия Ракета

    VirtualLand company (Technosoft LCC) has carried out comprehensive work to create a media product for our new premium top-end project “housing complex Renaissance”. We can safely recommend the company for aerial photography (window view, night / day shooting) and photo tour. VirtualLand team did all the work on time, at a high level.

    CEO of Infosystem LLC

    V. Burkhanov

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    of the 1st degree

    of the international scientific-practical conference "HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: FROM LEARNING TO MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING"


    “The Best AR Solution in Virtual VR" nomination

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    ГБУ «Моя карьера»
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    Моделирующие системы

    Experimental Scientific Research and Methodological Center "MODELING SYSTEMS"

    Feedback recommendation

    The many years of experience of cooperation between our company and Technosoft LLC give the right to appreciate not only the professionalism of the team, but also the conscientious attitude to the business and needs of the customer.

    Technosoft LLC has repeatedly performed the development of presentations, creating infographics, professional photography and shooting videos for our projects, searching and collecting thematic information, writing and designing publications for our company.

    Specialists of Technosoft LLC have established themselves as professionals who are responsible for fulfilling their obligations. The work was completed on time. The staff quickly responded to all our requests and wishes.

    Technosoft LLC has established itself as a reliable partner.

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    Portal LLC


    Having studied the proposals for creating 3D panoramic models and accompanying presentation materials, we liked the material presented by VirtualLand (OOO Technosoft) on their website http://virtualland.ru.

    The company's employees have completed a serious amount of work efficiently and on time. They actually proved their professionalism.

    The result of the work was high-quality material, which allows us to significantly improve the demonstration of objects to customers.

    The following stages of cooperation are outlined.

    We are pleased to recommend partners and other interested parties to cooperate with Technosoft LLC.


    CEO Bessonov V.V.

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    Reference letter

    “KENGURU.PRO” LLC, represented by CEO Maxim Popov, expresses gratitude to the management and employees of the company Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) for the high-quality and timely 3D panoramas of sports complexes for workout.

    With full confidence, we can recommend the company Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) as a reliable partner in creating high-quality multimedia material.

  • застройщик

    Легион Монолит

    Reference letter.

    Legion Monolith LLC, represented by the General Director Vladislav Kolbasenko, thanks the Virtual Land company for the services rendered.

    Legion Monolith LLC needed presentation materials for certain projects. For us, the following criteria were important that we presented to the contractor:

    - fulfillment of the order on the agreed date;

    - quality;

    - competent and professional staff;

    - the best price.

    The result of cooperation with Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land):

    1) The work was completed ahead of schedule.

    2) The result exceeded our expectations.

    3) The work process was easy, with full understanding, which undoubtedly proves the professionalism of employees.

    4) The price for services is fully consistent with the work done.

    Based on the foregoing, I can recommend the company Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) as a reliable partner for cooperation. The following orders we will trust only Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land).

  • застройщик


    A reference letter for the Technosoft LLC

    Our company collaborated with the company "Technosoft" (Virtual Land) in the field of creating 3D advertising tours. During the cooperation, the Technosoft company has confirmed its high professional status, competence and activity in solving assigned tasks. All work was carried out on time, in strictly agreed terms and with proper quality. Company employees competently cope with their duties.

    Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) performed the following services on our order: creating spherical panoramas of the “Morozovo Arena” ice complex (including gluing panoramas and assembling a virtual tour); creation of a complex plan based on drawings; 3D retouching panoramas.

    We are satisfied with the work and are ready to recommend this company as a reliable and responsible partner.

    Respectfully, General Director of “Arena Morozovo” ice complex

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    Reference letter for VirtualLand (Technosoft LLC)

    Thanks to the Technosoft LLC operating under the VirtualLand brand for quality work.

    Our agency needed to develop an HTML template for an email to send customers our current real estate offers. Timing burned very much. There was no idea what the completed work would look like. There was only chaotic information on the object being sold with several photos..

    This information was enough for VirtualLand to do their job as real professionals. Even taking into account the burning deadlines, the work was completed faster than our expectations, at the same time at the highest level of quality: information and its presentation became structured, emphasis was placed on key features of the property being sold, and everything was wrapped in a beautiful “package”.

    You guys are great fellows, we wish you success and rapid development! This letter recommends you to all companies who are somehow connected with the sale and rental of real estate. VirtualLand is a company that really thinks out the full solutions for its customers.

    CEO of “Capital Real Estate” LLC Natalia Kulakova.

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    Reference letter

    Choosing a counterparty on the Internet to create advertising materials for the sale and rental of real estate, we opted for VirtualLand (Technosoft LLC) as our main contractor.

    At the moment, we have been cooperating with this company for more than a year and are satisfied with all the aspects of work. We are pleased with the work of VirtualLand, as this is the highest quality of presentation materials, and extensive experience in the market, and the flexibility of solutions, and the strict implementation of tasks in a timely manner.

    My colleagues and I are ready to recommend VirtualLand as a serious company in the field of multimedia presentations of real estate.

    Respectfully, CEO of Real Estate LLC

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    ИТБ Технологии

    Thank you letter.

    The ITB TECHNOLOGIES LLC company expresses its gratitude to the Technosoft LLC company for the high-quality and efficient work on the creation of the information booklet. This is a team of professionals with a capital letter. Starting from the CEO to the designer. Special thanks to Semyon Sheremet for quality work. All the tasks set by the company were completed on time, which is important in business processes. Technosoft LLC is a company you can rely on!

    Respectfully, D. Malinko Commercial Director of ITB TECHNOLOGIES LLC

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    Reference letter.

    The cottage village Arkhangelskoye, represented by CEO Konstantin Shestak, expresses sincere gratitude for the rendered services of the company Tekhnosoft LLC (Virtual Land).

    We have been working with Virtual Land for several years.

    For the first time, we turned to Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) in connection with the opening of the sales office of the cottage village Arkhangelskoye (Krasnogorsk district). We needed high-quality photo materials to fill the site of the village. In addition to standard photography, Technosoft LLC offered us innovative shooting methods, such as a “virtual tour”. An advertising booklet was also produced.

    The work was performed at the highest level. The houses in the photos look perfect. All flaws are corrected using retouching. At the beginning of 2015, we also contacted the company Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) to create a virtual tour and new photo materials with a winter look. We place a virtual tour on our website usadba-arhangelskoe.ru, as this innovative product allows our customers to see our village in the smallest details, without leaving home.

    High qualification, experience, attentiveness, efficiency, friendliness and high-quality equipment are indisputable qualities of the Technosoft company (Virtual Land).

    The result is completely satisfied. Everything is done efficiently and on time. In the future, we plan to continue our cooperation.


    CEO of “Gamma” LLC

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    Reference letter

    We express our gratitude to Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) for the quality of the work done to create virtual tours for our children's goods stores "Detsky № 1" in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Employees of Technosoft LLC have established themselves as high-level specialists. The work was carried out strictly on time. Specialists quickly responded to all our wishes, which were taken into account and implemented in projects.

    We recommend Technosoft LLC as a reliable partner in creating multimedia materials of any complexity.

  • застройщик


    Reference letter

    Ecodolie Group of Companies was established in October 2007 and occupies a leading position in the low-rise housing construction market in Russia.

    Our acquaintance with the company TechnoSoft LLC (Virtual Land brand) began in July 2014. Since then, the company TechnoSoft LLC has provided a wide range of services, including:

    • professional photography (both from the ground and from the air);
    • professional video shooting (both from the ground and from the air);
    • retouching photos;
    • creation of a virtual tour of our cottage village;
    • combining new virtual tours into a single virtual tour.

    From July 2014 to October 2015, we contacted the company TechnoSoft LLC 7 times. Services were provided in the amount of about half a million rubles.

    We also express our gratitude to the company for the fact that when the hard disk crashed on our computer, the employees of TechnoSoft LLC stored all our files on their server and promptly transferred all the lost files on the day of contact.

    We placed a virtual tour and professional photographs on our website at http: //obninsk.ecodolie.ru/.

    We would like to note that all the work was done on modern high-quality equipment, as well as a high level of professionalism of the company employees.

    Director of Ecodolie Development LLC

    branch in the city of Obninsk, Kaluga Region

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    DIGITAL Team

    Reference letter

    Tehnosoft LLC (Virtual Land) is our partner in the manufacture of aerial photography (aerial panoramas), advertising booklets and presentation materials for our real estate projects. She showed her ability to approach the tasks with full responsibility, to perform work efficiently and on time.

    A distinctive feature of the work of Tehnosoft LLC (Virtual Land) is the high professionalism and the VirtualLand Company organization of the company's employees. We recommend Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) as a reliable and stable business partner.

    Respectfully, CEO of ​ Midas LLC

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    Reference letter

    Aptrend LLC expresses gratitude to Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) for the efficient and prompt work on creating a 3D tour of the furniture showroom for equipping hotel rooms.

    Employees of the company Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) have demonstrated their professionalism at all stages of the provision of services for creating a tour and integration on the website of our company.

    Based on the positive experience of cooperation, Aptrend company recommends Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) as a service provider in the field of creating virtual 3D tours.

    CEO of Aptrend LLC A. Botvin

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    Reference letter

    This letter is addressed to the staff of the Technosoft LLC.

    Our company APS-MASTER LLC contacted Technosoft LLC in order to process an incredible amount of space on which our facilities are already located and new parking areas will be organized.

    Using the services of Technosoft LLC, we can now give an idea to our infrastructure users and investors on how our objects look like a bird's-eye view, cover the whole territorial location and at the same time fix all the details.

    Prompt interaction with the client, high quality of work performed and professionalism - these are the qualities that Technosoft LLC can distinguish in the field of their activity among analog companies.

    We express our gratitude to the company Technosoft LLC for the work.

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    Фитнес клуб SELF club

    Reference letter

    TechnoSoft LLC (Brand Virtualland.ru) has performed for our organization (Fitness Club "SELF club") the creation of a virtual tour with animation elements on the simulators.

    The work was carried out promptly, at a high professional level, and, by the way, the time for approval of the contract for the performance of work exceeded the time of the work itself.

    The urgency and acceleration of work was initiated by our sports club due to production needs and upcoming sporting events. The company TeсhnoSoft LLC completely coped with the task assigned to it, met our expectations and requests, which indicates a great professional experience.

    We recommend TeсhnoSoft LLC as a conscientious and responsible partner.

    CEO Shaginyan D.E.

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    Allegry Free

    Reference letter for the Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land)

    Our company Allergyfree LLC thanks Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) for the services provided to create panoramas for our two Internet resources.

    Our company has ordered a virtual tour of Allergyfree Clinic and Stylab Laboratory. The team of Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land) arrived very quickly and photographed all the rooms. Photographers suggested what should be done so that the room looked the best in the photo, how to change the composition. Programmers and designers embodied all our difficult ideas and solutions, proposed new ideas.

    Virtual Land is a friendly team of professionals who strive to get a good result and apply non-standard solutions in their work.

    We are pleased with the results and are confident that we will continue to contact Virtual Land. We recommend!


    CEO of Allergyfree LLC

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    Rocket science

    Reference letter

    The VirtualLand team performed for us a range of work on photo and video shooting of the residence in the region of Sochi. A panoramic survey of the interiors, exteriors and bird's-eye views, aerial photography and aerial video shooting on professional equipment was carried out. As a result, a large beautiful virtual tour of the residence was made, as well as material for video editing of the promo video was transferred. During the trip, the guys additionally made beautiful shots in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana and in the mountains, which were very useful to us. We can recommend VirtualLand for difficult offsite shooting.

    CEO Bobrov A.A.

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    БЦ Красивый дом

    Reference letter

    In the summer of 2016, our company turned to Virtual Land to create aerial panoramas, this is our first advertising project of this format.

    We are pleased with the results of our cooperation, we received not only a beautiful visual image of our object, but also a high-quality advertising product.

    We express our gratitude to the team of specialists of the company TechnoSoft LLC (Virtual Land) for the shown professionalism in their field of activity, loyalty and flexibility in the conditions of cooperation, organization and coordination in the work process.

    We are ready to recommend TeсhnoSoft LLC as an understanding and reliable partner.

    Deputy CEO Salikov

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    ДК Зуева


    Our company first collaborated with TechnoSoft LLC (virtual land) in terms of creating a virtual tour. From our first meeting, the company employees showed a serious and professional approach to solving the problems of the tour.

    The building "House of Culture of Zuev”, in which we are located, is an architectural monument (constructivism style, built in 1929, architect I. Golosov). Complex plans, walkways, panoramas, virtual tour assembly solved with high professionalism and love for the work that they perform. This is an assessment not only of the administration, but also of the site visitors.

    Our company is satisfied with the quality, efficiency, professionalism of the company TechnoSoft LLC and is ready to recommend it as a reliable partner.

  • застройщик


    Reference letter

    In 2016, our company ordered a service in LLC Tehnosoft for creating a virtual tour of the constructed wooden house, for posting on the site sk.horomy.ru

    We loved it! The result is even better then we could expect. Everything is done promptly and efficiently. We were very impressed with the form of payment based on the result of the work performed. This means that the team of Technosoft LLC is confident of the results and confident in its professionalism. So we can give only the most positive feedback.

    CEO of “HOROMY” LLC O.G. Zanko

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    STORM properties

    Reference letter

    Virtual Land, in the framework of cooperation with Storm Properties LLC, in the current year 2016, carried out aerial photography (with the further development of 3D tour) of one of our residential projects.

    Virtual Land was selected following a tender in which they participated The most professional service providers in this segment on the market today. Significant experience in the field of real estate photography, creative approach, as well as the presence of unique options have become decisive for us when choosing.

    We were completely satisfied with the result of the work, and we intend to continue cooperation with Virtual Land in the future.

    Respectfully, Storm Properties LLC

  • застройщик


    Reference letter

    Technosoft LLC was commissioned by BEST-Novostroy LLC to create 3D layouts for a number of residential real estate objects. Technosoft LLC has established itself as a responsible and highly qualified contractor. The work was carried out efficiently and on time.

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    Reference letter

    August 20, 2016, we signed an agreement and started working with Technosoft LLC (Virtual Land brand). During this period, we contacted the company 7 times on several sites to develop a smart virtual tour.

    Initially, we chose the Virtual Land team, because this company proposed a solution to our urgent problems by creating a unique product through programming. This could not offer us other market players.

    We have already recommended them to our clients (developers).

    Our gratitude to the staff of Virtual Land for their excellent work.

    Advertising Director of Metrium LLC

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    Reference letter

    Virtual Land, working in 2017 with Hamilton Standard-Science CJSC, carried out work on the implementation of virtual reality: 360 video, dubbing by a professional speaker in English, interface development and adaptation for Samsung Gear VR.

    Our company was faced with the task of presenting to the president of United Technologies Corporation the production of heat exchangers for air conditioning systems for civil aviation in the company’s division in the city of Kimry, Tver Region, which was not possible due to the extremely busy schedule of the visit. The team of Virtual Land company coped with the task, having established itself as a highly professional, reliable partner. On the day of the visit of the president of United Technologies Corporation, with the help of Virtual Land employees, we were able to set up the equipment and show our production in virtual reality. We are ready to recommend the Virtual Land team as responsible, reliable specialists. We would like to express special thanks to Arthur Cherny.

    Respectfully, Roman Chichelov, CEO of CJSC Hamilton Standard-Science

  • застройщик


    Reference letter

    Technosoft LLC, by order of BEST-Novostroy LLC, carried out work on creating 3D layouts, 3D graphics and spherical panoramas for a number of residential real estate objects. Technosoft LLC has established itself as a responsible highly qualified contractor. The work was carried out efficiently and on time.

    CEO of BEST-Novostroy LLC V.Grigoryeva

  • застройщик


    Reference letter

    We express our gratitude to the company Virtualland (Technosoft LLC) for profitable cooperation in the preparation of virtual tours. The company's specialists have proven themselves to be true professionals. Their products occupy a worthy place on the sites of objects sold by us.

  • застройщик


    Reference letter

    Virtual Land Company (Technosoft LLC) has been our partner in the field of multimedia materials for a long time.

    During this time, Virtual Land (Technosoft LLC) has shown the greatest competence in the field of VR technologies. Over the entire period of cooperation, colleagues showed organization, efficient and well-coordinated teamwork. The interaction was pleasant and comfortable throughout the process of implementing tasks of varying complexity.

    We recommend Virtual Land as a reliable and competent partner for the implementation of tasks in the field of virtual reality.

  • застройщик

    Останкинский пивоваренный завод

    Reference letter from Ostankino Brewery OJSC

    Technosoft LLC performed the following types of work for Ostankino Brewery OJSC in the beginning of 2013: professional photography, complex retouching of photographs with shadow overlay, virtual tour, 3D floor layout, booklet creation.

    During the operation, Technosoft LLC has established itself as a reliable and responsible contractor. All work was completed on time and met our expectations.

    The competitive advantages of Technosoft LLC are highly qualified employees with extensive experience in the field of real estate presentation and a modern material and technical base that allows you to perform the necessary work at the highest level.

    Based on the results of the work performed, we continued cooperation with the Technosoft LLC company on other objects included in our business park.

    We can recommend Technosoft LLC as a contractor to carry out work of any complexity to create multimedia materials for the presentation of real estate.